Effects of black tea
1.Diuretic effect of black tea
Black tea can increase the blood flow of the kidneys, improve the glomerular passage rate, also can dilate the renal microvessels and factor the renal tubules to the absorption rate of water, contributing to the increase of loud and clear. This is because black tea contains caffeine and aromatic substances. This can help the body to excrete lactic acid, uric acid, excessive salt and harmful substances. It can resolve the oedema of nephritis caused by heart disease.
2. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of black tea
The polyphenolic compounds in black tea have anti-inflammatory effects, and then through experiments found that catechins can be combined with single-cell bacteria, so that the protein coagulation and precipitation, so as to inhibit and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, bacterial lah disease and food poisoning patients drink black tea is quite beneficial, folk tea is also commonly used to coat wounds, bed sores and athlete's foot.
3. Black tea detoxification effect
According to experimental evidence, black tea contains theophylline can adsorb heavy metals and alkaloids, and precipitation decomposition. This is really a blessing for modern people whose drinking water and food are polluted.
What is black tea good for?
4. Black tea refreshing and fatigue effect
Medical experiments have found that the caffeine in black tea stimulates the cerebral cortex to excite the nerve centre, leading to refreshing and concentration of thinking power, which in turn makes the thinking reaction sharper and memory enhanced; it also has an excitatory effect on the vascular system and the heart to strengthen the heartbeat, thus speeding up blood circulation for metabolism, and at the same time promotes sweating and diuretics, which accelerates the excretion of lactic acid (a substance that makes the muscles feel fatigued) and other old substances in the body in a two-pronged approach. (the substance that makes muscles feel fatigued) and other old waste substances in the body, to achieve the effect of eliminating fatigue.
5. Black tea is effective in clearing away heat
Drinking black tea in summer has the effect of relieving cough and heat. Because tea contains tea polyphenols, carbohydrates, amino acids, pectin and other chemical reactions with saliva, and can stimulate the secretion of saliva, so that the mouth moisturised. It can stimulate the secretion of saliva and moisturise the mouth, producing a cool feeling. Moreover, caffeine controls the body temperature centre in the inferior colliculus to regulate body temperature, and it also stimulates the kidneys to promote the excretion of heat and dirt to maintain the physiological balance of the body.
In addition, black tea also has the effect of preventing caries, strengthening stomach and intestines to help digestion, delaying aging, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, anti-cancer, anti-radiation, etc.; black tea is also an excellent sports drink, in addition to quenching the thirst and replenishing water, if you need to carry out physical strength and endurance of sports (such as marathon running) before drinking, because the caffeine in the tea has the effect of refreshing, but also in the exercise to contribute to the body to burn fat first! During exercise, the body burns fat first and retains the liver vinegar to supply heat energy, so it gives you more staying power.
Effects of Black Tea
During the processing of black tea, a chemical reaction centred on the oxidation of tea polyphenols occurs, and the chemical composition of the fresh leaves changes considerably, with the reduction of tea polyphenols by more than 90%, and the production of new components such as theaflavin and thearubigin.
On 13th May 2002, the American College of Physicians published a survey on 497 men and 540 women for more than 10 years, pointing out that people who drink black tea have strong bones, and the polyphenols in black tea (also found in green tea) inhibit the destruction of the vitality of bone cell substances, and the amount of polyphenols contained in various kinds of food is as follows: black tea-17.4, green tea-12.0, red wine 12.0, red wine - 9.6, fresh orange juice - 0.8.
Japan's Osaka City University experiments pointed out that drinking black tea for an hour, measured by the heart of the blood vessels blood flow rate improved, confirming that black tea has a strong prevention and treatment of infarction effect.
American magazine reported that black tea anti-aging effect is stronger than garlic, broccoli and carrots.
Health care: black tea can help gastrointestinal digestion, promote appetite, diuretic, eliminate oedema, and strong heart muscle function.
Disease prevention: black tea has strong antibacterial power, gargling with black tea can prevent colds and flu caused by filtration viruses, and prevent tooth decay and food poisoning, reduce blood sugar and high blood pressure.